Friday, April 28, 2006


Second Job

I have been working as an aircraft mechnic as a second job it is fun but I am tired all the time. I work 4 days at my other job and have about I wake up at 6:30 a.m work until 12 p.m. go back to work at 245 p.m and don't leave my military job until 11 p.m. My wife and I need the extra money at the moment but it has been hard I feel tired all the time and sometimes wonder if it is worth it. Also my wife feels like we never see each other and If eel the smae way. The only thing is if I quit the job we will not be able to do much at all our expenses are great and my income is short especially with our first born son on the way I don't want to be worrying about money all the time. Well I guess that is life coping with the hard times and succeding.
thanks for reading

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Media Bias

I listen to many different tlak radio shows and everyone of them talks about media bias. In my opinion it is 100% true that there is media Bias. How many times do you here about good events in Iraq such as hospitals and the rebuilding effort? How many times do you here about how Illegal immigration lowers wages for legal immigrants causes a greater debt for States and creates an ideal drug trafficating route? The answer is rarely or none.... I just wish newsreporters would focus on facts not personal opinions. Without these personal opinions maybe the country will actually starting passing laws and creating a foreign policy that makes sense...

Friday, April 14, 2006



With the problems of General Motors there could be a problem with America. I am not saying that America is on top of the world but I am saying that America used to be known for Automobiles. This has shifted from the US to Japan and other countries that is fine. The problem is that nearly a million jobs relie on GM if GM goes under the US economy will have 1 million workers that will need new jobs. What will happen to the average worker who supports their families? What will happen to the American dream? These are major issues and as an American I say buy an American car. I am not neccessarly saying by GM I am saying by a car made by Americans to support Americans. If I lived anywhere else in the world say China, India, Eurpoe I would say buy Chinese, Indian, Eurpoean made not becasue I have anything against anyone just becasue it supports friends and family... So the next car purchase you make look where it is made and think who you are supporting...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006



There has been one big question with the American people and Iraq. Is there going to be a full out civil war there and will American troops be in the middle of it all? I deployed on board the USS Constellation and took part in the first operations of the war back in 2003. It is sad for me to see a dream that does not happen but at the moment it does not look like Iraq will be a full fledged demorcarcy thriving in the middle east with its people working together. When I deployed I spent nine months fighting to either find Weapons of Mass Destruction or to bring Democracy and get ride of another dictator in a world full of dictators. At this moment I wonder if what I and hundreds of thousands of American who have been to Iraq will this dream come true. As a great president Said JFK ask not what your country can do for you ask what can you do for your country? This is a great saying and I think the people of Iraq need to start thinking this and build a prosporous country. Let this chapter in Irag's history be one of rebirth not of chaos. I hope and pray that the people will realize that blood shed and destruction is not the way and the only way to live is to help your neighbor no matter what religon sunni, shite or Kurd and build Iraq for all the people and all the Americans who lost their lives or were permentally disabled I pray for a bright future for Iraq...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006



Sorry everyone I have been on vacation in Washington spending time with the family and my wife had her baby shower here. It is very nice being here we are thinking of moving back after Hawaii. My wife and I like some more of the climate changes winter summer.. We also like being able to ski in the winter and swim in the summers. Finally we are thinking of getting a ranch and raising horses and working on aircraft. Will be back to writing blogs after we get back next week.
Thanks for reading

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