Friday, June 09, 2006


Turning Point?

In Iraq we just recently killed the representing of al-qadea but will this affect any way the way American forces and Iraqis? This is a question is the insurgency a foreign unit or an Iraqi residence to the American forces residing in their county. I say if it is not foreign we should pull out of Iraq as soon as possible and let the people of Iraq govern themselves whether democratic or not. We will see in the next months what happens does this mean people will put down there arms and seek a government to govern or will the Iraqis still resist and still take up arms we will see.

Hello Alex,

I have not seen any update on your blog so far. I guess you have been very busy with many things.

About your post. I don't know what to think about the policies the US has on terrorism and weapons of mass-destruction anymore.

I see mixed or no reaction from the US about the happenings around the world that sometimes I feel it is biased, not towards a particular race or a particular country, but more to benefit and interest of the US.

So the world plea and campaign of abolishing terrorism against destroying freedom and the American way of life seem less true now to me.

It's more of money talks. Its a world doing "business" and gaining from war. Choosing war that benefits the pockets.

Nothing sincere anymore. I am disappointed, but that is real life.

Apology if I offended anyone, but that is how I see it and feel. What do you think?
have been very busy with the newborn, work, schoo, just moved into a new place...
Congrats! Congrats! and Congrats!
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