Friday, March 03, 2006



When the tsunami hit my battle group went over there and I was on board the USS Abraham Lincoln helping tsunami victims. The devastation that I saw was great and was something that I would never want to happen to my country. There was everything floating in the water off the coast of samatra. For the countries and people who think the US is about taking over and controlling countries we saved thousands of lives helping and rebuilding and the US military does this with every major disaster that happens. The sights I saw in the waters were horrible but we were there to help and we provided great assistance to the people as a military unit. I think that is one main reason why the US military is so great both by power and by generosity. If you read this what do you think?

Thanks being a help to the Tsunami victims. It seems like there is a lot of criticism of the American government lately and it is good to hear your unique perspective.

On a less serious note, my name is Carol and I am the conductor of the Friends of the Friendless Marching Band. I choose a friendless site to feature every Friendly Friday.
You have been nominated for the featured site this week.
Being nominated as a friendless site only means that someone thinks your blog
doesn’t get enough comments and wants you singled out to get more attention.
I hope you will come play along.
I would have to agree with you. My husband served in the military for 22 years!! Proud of him! He recently retired last year and we kinda miss the military life....they were very good to us!!

Here from the FFMB!! Great Blog.
Hello, I think power and generosity together are a great team. I'm a member of the FFMB and hope to see you there some day.
Marching by with the FFMB. Bless you for helping the Tsunami victims. People forget that the military assist in relief efforts, and that their special training and experience are useful when a disaster creates chaos and hazardous conditions.
Great perspective. I'm here with carol's FFMB.
Greetings! I`m the flag bearer for the FFMB. I appreciate this post written from a first-hand perspective. I suppose that people have the right to agree or disagree with the U.S. foreign policy; however, there are very few nations who could "hold a candle" to the American military`s humanitarian efforts. Way to go guys and gals!!!
we need someone in the band from Hawaii!
Hi Alex....I'm marching through with the FFMB...A great big God Bless You for your help with the Tsunami victims.
Bless you for your willingness to serve and help the devastated victims of the Tsunami. What a horrible thing to happen. We need more people like you that are willing to serve. You are a great humanitarian.
Marching with the FFMB.
The US military were also of great help to my country just recently when a massive mudslide buried an entire town!

Please visit this site to read more about it:

I'm marching in with the FFMB!
I am here to invite you to join the FFMB. If you do, there is a blurb on the bottom of my Friday post explaining what the band does.
To join, just let me know that you want to do so in a comment and choose an instrument. We meet every Friday to visit the friendless.

We would be very happy to have you on board!
Bless you for your efforts in that horrible experience. I'm marching through with the band. My dad was in the military for 25 years.
Alex, I'm in the FFMB too. I play the Glass Armonica. I made a wrong turn somewhere on Friday and am just now getting here. I appreciate your service to our country and for representing us beyond what the news media advertises we're capable of.
Hello Alex,

I was one of the guys who recommended your blog to the FFMB member since I think you have much to say and alterntive view on things and you want lots of feedback with your posts.

These are great, talented people who can do just that. Hope they can be of help.

Have a good weekend.
bringing up the rear of the FFMB parade!!!!

great blog! i am in grad school right now to get licensed to teach preK thru 3rd grade - which is why i'm marching in the parade so slow... had an assignment due last Thursday... midterm yesterday and an assignment due tomorrow!!!!

won't you come join the FFMB? this is my first week with them, and while slow... it's a lot of fun to visit new blogs! i remember how exciting it was to start getting comments and being noticed by other bloggers!!!!
Looking for information and found it at this great site... » »
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