Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Bird Flu and Africa

The future is so unknown that it is scary. With the rise of bird flu on the way also known as H5N1 virus many of us are worried is there going to be another pandemic? Will we be prepared for a mass airborne mutated virus? Well these are good questions. One problem at the moment is this AIDS.... Even though AIDS is sexually transmitted in some areas of Africa nearly 50% of the populations have been wiped out. The band marches on while this happens where is the mass uproar to help the poor people of Africa have you seen any mass donations to help the people not necessarily. So if there is a pandemic what will happen to the country of Africa? Will the world give the same amount of attention to Africa for bird flu as they have done for HIV? If so what will happen to the people that reside there? America and other developed countries are building stock piles of vaccine and other resources to fight the pandemic but what will happen will the band march on as Africa is infected with a more serious and lethal virus that is spread by the air while we save as many of our own people in our own countries. Or will we unite and be a global world. When will we stop looking at the color of ones skin to help others or the language they speak and look at the heart and soul? There is good every where. We as a world need to help those who cannot help themselves. I hope this blog influences some people into thinking about the world and not the own little world. With some much violence in the world let people help each other...

I agree with you bro!
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